Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here I am...

Well, I really am not sure where all this is going to go, or how well I'll keep up with this or anything. What I'm hoping to get out of it, though...well, there are a few things. I know that I need to be a better person. As I grow, I'll be a better wife and mommy and I want to be better at both of those so desperately! Every once in awhile I have the thought pop into my head (when I'm feeling frustrated in my marriage or impatient with Emily) that I need to focus on ME. I need to work on my relationship with God, and on becoming more patient with both Michael and Emily...and being a more peaceful and calm woman, and I know that I can attain these things through Him, but somehow it seems like I never end up putting much effort into it. Anyway, I'm hoping that (as in the past) as I share my thoughts and feelings on here, and also maybe have some encouragement and people to hold me accountable, that I can grow. So, I'll do my best to keep up with this. And really, even if no one else reads it, just writing has usually been good for me, and I just rarely do it anymore. Here's to a new beginning!


Jessi said...

Nano! I'm glad you started a blog. They're fun. I updated mine and changed my look. You can too, it's easy. I'm here if you ever need me for anything. LOVE

Bunch of Barrons said...

Hey! Glad to see you on here! :) I'm praying for you and hope you're having a great weekend! :)